For me this is not a common fight, for my husband sleep is an endless battle. He has tried so many different things, yet sleep still alludes him. Many nights he ends up falling asleep on the couch watching tv sometime after midnight. For some this wouldn't be so bad, but I have two kids that are definitely morning kids. They wake up before the sun and they are ready to party.

Like so many other things, it comes down to hormones. Sleep largely effects two hormones, Leptin and Gherlin. These two hormones effect our appetite, what foods we crave, and our energy expenditure. The magic number recommended to keep these two hormones in check, 8. Eight hours of sleep. I am going to be honest, I don't know any adult, especially if they have kids at home, that get 8 hours of sleep on a regular basis.
During sleep our body is also repairing and rebuilding muscles. Muscles are torn down at the gym, but it is when we are sleeping our body has the full ability to recover and rebuild. During deep sleep phases our body uses protein and growth hormone to repair those muscles you have worked so hard to tear down.

Sleep....get some!
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