As a personal trainer I am often talking about food and nutrition habits with my clients. I have had the opportunity to train a lot of moms over the years. I have discovered that it is a whole new ball game when talking nutrition with a mom, you can't just talk about her eating habits it comes down to the whole family. Why? Well, I have found that there are generally three categories that most moms fall into.

Helping your kids develop healthy eating habits is nothing new for most of us, but I have also found that we all need a little reminder every one in a while. As a mom with 3 daughters this is something that I know I have to be aware of. I have to look at my own behaviors and remember that those behaviors are noticed. I read a great article on this a few days ago in Breaking Muscle titled "Quit Dieting: Your Kids Are Watching."

1) Mom has one dinner while the rest of the family has different dinner.
2) Everyone is forced to go ultra healthy.
3) Mom still makes one dinner but makes sure there are plenty of healthy options for the family while also including some of the family favorites.
Number 3 is my favorite option and one that I try to explain to most of my clients. I live in the land of casseroles, which generally come with lots of cheese. I have one mom whose kids love these types of meals and a husband that refuses to say good bye to Tater Tot casserole, so instead of putting her foot down and never making them again we have talked about making a great salad to go with it. If she wants a piece of casserole fine, but use the majority of the plate for salad.
A couple important things happen with this option; 1) the family is given healthy options and sees you eating good healthy food. 2) you don't become a food nazi, with kids going overboard with eating when you aren't around.

Remember, life is all about balance.
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