My baby girl is now 1 month old, this month has flown by. As a family we have been adjusting to another child in our home. My 3 year old has been adjusting to sharing mom's attention. The two older girls have adjusted to time constraints and the fact that I simply can't go do certain things right now (it is hard taking 4 kids places, especially when 1 child is a mischievous 3 year old and another is only 1 month old). My husband and I are adjusting to different sleeping schedules. Again....we have all been adjusting this month.
I have also been slowly working on getting my body back. Not bikini back but running, lifting, cycling, etc back. And I feel like this has been going pretty well. I am back to my cycling classes, and working my way back into running. Lifting has been a bit slower but I am ok with that. I listen to my body and back off when I need to making modifications or even just walk away. I think that is the most important thing I can emphasize here....I listen to my body. I don't push through something if it hurts, instead I assess where my body is at right now and adjust.
I read a great article this week, Postpartum: The Gift of Starting Over. If you are frustrated with your post baby comeback, read this article. If you are wondering about post baby return for in the future, read this article. If you enjoy good article, read this article.
There are several questions presented that one should ask oneself within this article. I loved these questions because they honestly made me stop and think for a minute. Two of the questions that stuck out the most were 1) How are feedings going? I am lucky enough that I have the time and capabilities to breast feed my baby girl. And apparently I am producing cream, she is gaining weight and getting some pretty dang cute cheeks and rolls. 2) Why do I want to workout? I talked about this question in last weeks blog so I won't spend too much time here. But my working out is all about the feeling of working out. I run for my soul, not my abs.
With as much as I have been doing I still look at what other women are doing and think to myself that I should be able to run harder by now, lift more, do 50 pushups on my toes, etc. I also have been questioned repeatedly by others asking if I am doing too much.
After reading this article and honestly answering these questions I feel good about where I am at. I know I need patience and to respect the process, not always easy for me, but I know that listening to my body and respecting what it tells me will get me where I want to be.

I read a great article this week, Postpartum: The Gift of Starting Over. If you are frustrated with your post baby comeback, read this article. If you are wondering about post baby return for in the future, read this article. If you enjoy good article, read this article.
There are several questions presented that one should ask oneself within this article. I loved these questions because they honestly made me stop and think for a minute. Two of the questions that stuck out the most were 1) How are feedings going? I am lucky enough that I have the time and capabilities to breast feed my baby girl. And apparently I am producing cream, she is gaining weight and getting some pretty dang cute cheeks and rolls. 2) Why do I want to workout? I talked about this question in last weeks blog so I won't spend too much time here. But my working out is all about the feeling of working out. I run for my soul, not my abs.

After reading this article and honestly answering these questions I feel good about where I am at. I know I need patience and to respect the process, not always easy for me, but I know that listening to my body and respecting what it tells me will get me where I want to be.
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