Today is going to involve a lot of holding. The trick to this is that you have to remain in perfect form. All too often I see cores disengaging and shoulders rounding. Pay attention and do it right!!!!
You will also need a timer for today's workout. There are 5 rounds with 3 moves in each round today. You will go through each round for 1 min/move (which equals 3 min each round), 45 sec/move (2:15 each round) and 30 sec/move (1:30 each round).
Round 1:
Mountain Climbers
Hold the bottom of a pushup
Round 2:
Jumping Squats
Wall Sit
Round 3:
Hold a bicep curl (use dumbbells or anything with some weight to it)
Round 4:
Plank with Bunny Hops
Hold Hollow Rock
Round 5:
Hop Switches (lunge with r leg - hop and switch to l left lunge)
Alt Rear Lunges
Hold Sumo Squat
This will be a fun one!
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