Another week has flown by. I have started the back-to-school countdown at my house and hoping the next couple of weeks continue to fly by. Don't get me wrong, I am still loving this awesome summer weather, as you will see by my workout, just ready for the kids to get back into the routine of school. And Ruthie, Cooking with Ruthie, has provided a yummy treat that I can store away for a lunchbox goodie, or make this weekend as a yummy snack to have available when I hear the constant "I'm hungry" coming from the kitchen.
Healthy Mango Coconut Cookies these cookies taste SO good no that one will ever believe they are
Y'all will never believe how fabulous these Healthy Mango Coconut Cookies are... then you'll read the recipe and not believe it again because they only have 1/4 cup butter the whole batch of dough! AND its a huge batch- this recipe makes 70 cookies! I know. It's hard to believe. Most of the moisture in this recipe comes from the applesauce, which is super awesome.

Healthy Mango Coconut Cookies recipe originally came from a yoga spa- a friend shared it with me several years ago and I've loved it ever since! Especially in the summer when I'm hiking and need a filling, simple, and healthy treat to take along with me :) Did I mention that these freeze amazingly well. I love to keep some handy to grab and go with us on all our summer adventures.

During the summer I love taking my classes outside. We meet in large parking lots, parks, baseball fields, and (my favorite!) the local high school track. It is so great to get out of the gym and into fresh air. We also meet early enough that we can beat the heat, 102 degrees in the thank you! This week I am encouraging all of you to get outside and to the track as well.
Let's talk the workout...
2 laps of sprint the straight aways and walk to curves
5x up-and-down bleachers
15 push-ups
15 dips
15 step-ups each leg
RPT 2x
1 x 400 (1 lap on the track) as hard as possible
1 x 400 jog
1 x 400 as hard as possible
The track is a great place to push yourself, so do it!
Happy Fit Friday!!
Much Love and Peace~
Ruthie and Nichole
Healthy Mango Coconut Cookies these cookies taste SO good no that one will ever believe they are
Healthy Mango Coconut Cookies recipe originally came from a yoga spa- a friend shared it with me several years ago and I've loved it ever since! Especially in the summer when I'm hiking and need a filling, simple, and healthy treat to take along with me :) Did I mention that these freeze amazingly well. I love to keep some handy to grab and go with us on all our summer adventures.
Healthy Mango Coconut Cookies are sure to keep the kiddos happy this summer and you'll be happy knowing they're enjoying a "healthier" treat too!

During the summer I love taking my classes outside. We meet in large parking lots, parks, baseball fields, and (my favorite!) the local high school track. It is so great to get out of the gym and into fresh air. We also meet early enough that we can beat the heat, 102 degrees in the thank you! This week I am encouraging all of you to get outside and to the track as well.
Let's talk the workout...
2 laps of sprint the straight aways and walk to curves
5x up-and-down bleachers
15 push-ups
15 dips
15 step-ups each leg
RPT 2x
1 x 400 (1 lap on the track) as hard as possible
1 x 400 jog
1 x 400 as hard as possible
The track is a great place to push yourself, so do it!
Happy Fit Friday!!
Much Love and Peace~
Ruthie and Nichole
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