It has been a crazy couple of weeks at my house. We moved, I am happy we have moved but I hate moving! All of the important boxes have been located and put away, but I still can't park my car in the garage. We moved to a new development, which meant no internet for a week. But internet has now been connected and I am back.
Part of moving has also been figuring out new running routes. As I have headed out on my long runs I have actually returned to an old trail that I haven't run in a few years. As I headed out on a 20 mile run today I was trying to remember the last time I had headed out on a long run using this familiar trail. It was pre-husband, pre-kids, pre-living a life that was no longer just about me.
Surprisingly all the things that I realized I have lost are not things that I miss. I have lost confusion and doubt. I have lost wondering where will I be and will I be ok in years down the road? For those of you that know my husband you will understand that he is my rock. With him by my side these questions no longer haunt me.

I spent quite a few miles thinking about all that has changed since the last time my shoes had found their way along this pavement. Instead of just asking what has changed I found myself asking what have I lost and what have I gained?

The woman running along that path today was not out there looking for answers, she was simply enjoying the journey.
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