This week started a new boot camp session, which also means this week started a new 30 day challenge. With each session we take a few minutes on the first day to discuss a direction for our next 30 day challenge. The next time we meet I come with a challenge prepared. Each individual gets to decide if they want to commit, but if they do the whole group is expecting follow through.
Along with our core challenge I also challenged the group to 5 green smoothies per week. This gave a couple days of wiggle room. I picked this challenge because 1) I had half of the group requesting a green smoothie challenge and 2) this the perfect challenge for the holiday season.
Green smoothies have all the vitamins and minerals that are great for our bodies, but they also have a secret hidden power. Green smoothies help curb cravings. When my afternoon munchies hit I can tell what I started my day with, serious sugar craving or cravings I can't quite seem to place generally link back to no green smoothie that day. On those afternoons I end up making an afternoon green smoothie and 90% of the time it is exactly what my body needed. As the holiday treats come out I know that I will be less tempted if I have started the day out right, green smoothie and a workout. This doesn't mean I won't indulge every once in a while, but it does mean that on the days I do I know my body has had plenty of good healthy stuff to go with that bit of holiday sugar delight.
A few sessions ago we started having two challenges, a nutrition and a fitness challenge. This go around we have a core challenge and a green smoothie challenge. For 30 days we have a different core workout to complete. We have often just done 30 sit ups a day, but I get bored easily and I have decided that sit ups are super boring. So I set up 30 days of 30 workouts. Variety is key not only for our bodies but also our brains.
30 situps
3x30 sec. planks
30 bicycles (each leg)
30 leg drops
30 v-ups
30 russian twists
15 situps
15 pushups
30 sec side planks each side
30 weighted situps
30 single leg drops
15 v-ups
15 bicycles each leg
30 plank with jacks
30 straight leg situps
30 windmill situps
30 russian twists
3x30 sec planks
30 situps
15 v-ups
15 plank jacks
30 single leg drops
30 weighted situps
30 v-ups
30 pushups
30 russian twists
30 straightleg situps
30 windmill situps
30 leg drops
30 v-ups
30 bicycles each leg
30 plank with jacks
10 v-ups
10 pushups
10 v-ups

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