After missing last week's Workout Wednesday it is time to get back to it. My whole week was a little screwy last week, but I am back on track this week, even with a crazy snow storm we had.
Next week I start marathon training! Always a favorite!!!! A huge part of running is a strong core; let's be honest, a strong core is a huge part of living. Because of that I am focusing on pull ups and push ups for the next few weeks. I also picked to focus on those two things because I can do them at home. This means I have no excuses during the busy holiday madness, even if I can't make it to the gym I can still get in a solid set of pull ups and push ups at home.
Today's workout is going to involve pull ups and push ups, along with a few other fun things. A great workout I can sneak in during nap time. I am using stairs for this workout, if you don't have stairs substitute 90 seconds of high knees.
5 sets of stairs
5 pull ups (or high band rows if pull ups aren't an option)
10 push ups
15 squats
20 sit ups
4 sets of stairs
RPT resistance exercises
3 sets of stairs
RPT resistance exercises
2 sets of stairs
RPT resistance exercises
1 set of stairs
And another day is done!

Today's workout is going to involve pull ups and push ups, along with a few other fun things. A great workout I can sneak in during nap time. I am using stairs for this workout, if you don't have stairs substitute 90 seconds of high knees.
5 sets of stairs
5 pull ups (or high band rows if pull ups aren't an option)
10 push ups
15 squats
20 sit ups
4 sets of stairs
RPT resistance exercises
3 sets of stairs
RPT resistance exercises
2 sets of stairs
RPT resistance exercises
1 set of stairs
And another day is done!
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