Happy Fit Friday everyone! We are all about the morning love here this week! Read more on how to start your day off right with a smoothie from Ruthie and some morning workout tips from yours truly.
Blueberry Coconut Smoothie is a great reason to wake up in the morning!
Blueberry Coconut Smoothie is an awesome combination of coconut milk, coconut yogurt, shredded coconut, and fresh blueberries. . . as you can plainly see it's well worth waking up for! :)
I love smoothies! I drink a protein, kale, veggie, and fruit smoothie everyday~ religiously. I love getting all that nutrition in one tasty and simple to make way. I'm a big fan of all kinds of smoothies however so sometimes I mix it up with other varieties too! Be sure to check out my collection of Smoothie Recipes here. Blueberry Coconut Smoothie has got to be added to your most loved smoothies list!
We have talked about the joys of morning workouts in the past, I have given you reasons why you should love your morning workout and how great it is for you. Today I want to talk a bit more about how to really get the most out of your morning workout. I realize that not everyone wakes up and is ready to go, I am lucky enough to be one of those people. My husband is not, in order for him to get to a 7am class he sets an alarm, or has me set an alarm, for 5am. It takes him that long to wake up and get his body ready to workout. Different folks people.
Blueberry Coconut Smoothie is a great reason to wake up in the morning!
Blueberry Coconut Smoothie is an awesome combination of coconut milk, coconut yogurt, shredded coconut, and fresh blueberries. . . as you can plainly see it's well worth waking up for! :)
I love smoothies! I drink a protein, kale, veggie, and fruit smoothie everyday~ religiously. I love getting all that nutrition in one tasty and simple to make way. I'm a big fan of all kinds of smoothies however so sometimes I mix it up with other varieties too! Be sure to check out my collection of Smoothie Recipes here. Blueberry Coconut Smoothie has got to be added to your most loved smoothies list!
Blueberry Coconut Smoothie
Recipe Type: Breakfast
Prep time:
Total time:
Serves: 2
- 1 cup coconut milk
- 1/2 cup coconut yogurt
- 2 tablespoons shredded sweetened coconut
- 1 cup fresh blueberries
- 1/2 a banana (mine was frozen)
- 1/2 cup ice cubes
- Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.
- Pour into serving glasses and Enjoy!
Blueberry Coconut Smoothie will make all your mornings even more lovely!
In order to get the most of those morning workouts there are some things to remember.
1) Warm up! Not shuffle slowly on the treadmill until your eyes can focus. No, you need to wake up your body. You can start with a few minutes of shuffling along, but then you need to add some oomph to those movements and get your heart rate up and the muscles moving. Be sure to include workout specific movements, if you are working a lot of legs some body weight squats would be great.
2) Focus! Think through what you are doing. Focus on the muscles being used and be purposeful through your movements.
3) Wake up your whole core. If you are heading straight to the gym your core has been inactive for hours. Get your spine moving and prepared for a powerful workouts.
4) Start light. If you are hitting the weights it is even more important to start light in the morning. Your muscles are still waking up.
Morning workouts are great, for many they are the only option. But you have to do it right! Don't waste your gym time and your not sleeping time, get the most out of your workouts.
Have a fabulous Fit Friday!!
Much Love and Peace~ Ruthie
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