Starbucks Orange Mango Smoothie Recipe is simple to make at home and every bit as good! We just adore a good smoothie recipe around here. This Starbucks smoothie is bright and happy because it's filled with orange, mango, and bananas! It's a fabulous, tropical way to meet the day! We know you LOVE our Starbucks Strawberry Smoothie Recipe, so we're just thrilled to share with you our copycat version of the Starbucks mango orange smoothie as well. :)
It's Fit Friday!! AND we just love having Miss Nichole from Pure Clean Fitness drop by on Friday's to share her awesome fitness tips with us! If you want check out more of our Fit Friday posts then CLICK HERE!

Reminding, or learning, the why behind anything helps me to want to do it. This may mean exercise, different foods, sleeping, and of course drinking water.
I have really struggled with getting my water in the last couple of weeks. I have started adding flavor and it has helped a ton. I am loving Nuuns and Ideal Lean BCAAs.
With summer coming I know I need to get and stay in the habit of staying hydrated.

Starbucks Orange Mango Smoothie Recipe
Ooooh this smoothie is bringing me back to my high school days. Which, I can not believe that that was 7 years ago! Wow. Time is just wild! This Orange Mango Smoothie brings me back to high school because my mom, Ruthie, would always hand me a smoothie as I ran up the stairs and out the door! To be completely honest, I've never been good at waking up on time. I had/have a bad habit of sleeping past my alarm a lot of the time... So in high school, I'd usually wake up scrambling, quickly get ready, and run out the door. Thankfully, my mother knew this. She also knew that I had the appetite & metabolism of a growing teen boy all the time, so she'd hand me a yummy smoothie packed with protein as I sprinted to my car. My smoothie usually got me through first and second period... If it didn't, I always had a big box of snacks in my locker for when I was sooo hungry during class (the snack box was also my mother's idea)! Isn't my mom brilliant?! My friends always knew that they could count on me walking into class with a smoothie (even in winter) and that they could come to me and ask for a snack if they needed one! Breakfast is such an important meal of the day and I'm so glad that my mom helped me out in this way. Enjoy our Orange Mango Smoothie and let your family enjoy it, too! Maybe you can also throw a smoothie in your kids hands as they run out the door in the morning? Trust me, it does work! :)You may also enjoy some of our other Smoothie Recipes:
• Starbucks Strawberry Smoothie Recipe • Banana Nut Smoothie Recipe • Pineapple Mango Banana Smoothie Recipe
What's the difference between a smoothie and a shake?
Most people love smoothies and shakes, some don't really know the differences between them because after all the both cold and refreshing, drinkable, and delicious! In my opinion it all comes down to ice cream... yes, it's true! Smoothies do not have ice cream, candy bars, cookies or pies in them. Smoothies are filled with healthy for you ingredients--like fruits, veggies, and healthier forms of protein and dairy.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy them both as probably most of you do too! I just tend to enjoy smoothies on a more regular basis and shakes... wellllll they're a more special occasion or dessert kind of treat for me. :)

Smoothie 101
• Invest in a heavy duty blender; I’ve used a Blendtec
for well over a decade now and I love it! It’s powerful enough to blend frozen fruit and vegetables smooth, smooth, smooth!
• I prefer using frozen fruits and vegetables in my smoothies so they have a thicker consistency.
• Freeze extra fruits and vegetables as they are just beginning to turn over-ripe; I use gallon plastic zip top freezer bags to toss them in.
• Freeze fresh produce to use later- I find they last just fine for up to 4 weeks. ie: spinach or mixed salad greens, baby carrots, cucumbers, banana’s broken into four pieces, sliced/cored apples and pears, extra berries, peeled/segmented oranges and clementines, grapes, and the list goes on!
• Extra nutrient add in’s are always good try adding: vanilla and chocolate protein powders, dry oats, a small handful of nuts, peanut butter, flavored yogurt or kefir, and more.
• Super food add in’s: gogi berries, coconut oil, avocado, acai or cacoa powder, chia or hemp or flax seeds, etc!

Starbucks Orange Mango Smoothie Recipe is full of Cooking with Ruthie goodness and love!
Nichole's Fit Friday Awesome Tips:
If any of you follow me on Instagram you may have seen my post this week about water. I am struggling guys! This is such a weird thing for me because I have never struggled to get in my water. I have always thought is was such a stupid excuse when my clients would tell me they didn't like water. Water is water, how can you dislike it? Oh man, was I wrong! Water is nasty if you really aren't in the mood for it, and it really can be hard to force down. With that being said this week I am focusing on 1) health benefits of water and 2) tips to getting more water into your day.
Reminding, or learning, the why behind anything helps me to want to do it. This may mean exercise, different foods, sleeping, and of course drinking water.
I have really struggled with getting my water in the last couple of weeks. I have started adding flavor and it has helped a ton. I am loving Nuuns and Ideal Lean BCAAs.
With summer coming I know I need to get and stay in the habit of staying hydrated.
We love to hear about your magical cooking moments. . . if you get a chance to make our recipes then leave us a comment or tag us on Instagram @cookingwithruthie , pin us on Pinterest , or follow along with us on Facebook so we can share in the joy of cooking with you! Please reach out if you have questions or comments via our email: We’re excited to see you again soon!
One more thing before you go. . .
We love creating recipes and sharing our adventures with you, so if you can do us a huge favor it’d really support us! It’s easier to stay motivated to share our best with you when we hear from you!! We adore our readers and it really makes our day to get comments, social tags/shares, or pins that you save for later to share with your family and friends! Our hearts sing when you do. . . we SEE you and we do our very best to respond to all the love! It also amps up our mo-jo so we get lots of awesome things done around here.
Thanks for sharing in the CWR blog-love!
Love Always,
Nichole, Ruthie, & Madeliene
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