Tropical Chocolate Protein Smoothie is a nutritious and filling way to start off your day! We love smoothies! There's no better way to jump start your day than with a quick smoothie. Our Tropical Chocolate Protein Smoothie is packed with fabulous nutrition like strawberries, kiwi, banana, and mango with chocolate protein powder and chocolate almond milk! It's definitely in our top 10 favorite smoothie recipes!
YAY! Fit Friday!! AND we adore having Miss Nichole from Pure Clean Fitness come hang out with us on Friday's to share her awesome fitness tips with us! If you want check out more of our Fit Friday posts then CLICK HERE!
A fantastic Fit Friday on a gorgeous Friday day. This summer my schedule is very cyclical, a week started off with chemo and followed up with a lot of sleeping before going into a non-chemo week that lets me run and play with the kiddos a bit more. My sleeping weeks also require a lot of stretching, I never would have thought being inactive would make me so sore.
This soreness and followed up stretching is my influence for Fit Friday this week, I am going over some of the top stretches I have found for a sore back and tight hips.

We love to hear about your magical cooking moments. . . if you get a chance to make our recipes then leave us a comment or tag us on Instagram @cookingwithruthie , pin us on Pinterest , or follow along with us on Facebook so we can share in the joy of cooking with you! Please reach out if you have questions or comments via our email: We’re excited to see you again soon! One more thing before you go. . . We love creating recipes and sharing our adventures with you, so if you can do us a huge favor it’d really support us! It’s easier to stay motivated to share our best with you when we hear from you!! We adore our readers and it really makes our day to get comments, social tags/shares, or pins that you save for later to share with your family and friends! Our hearts sing when you do. . . we SEE you and we do our very best to respond to all the love! It also amps up our mo-jo so we get lots of awesome things done around here.
Thanks for sharing in the CWR blog-love!

Tips & Tricks for our Tropical Chocolate Protein Smoothie Recipe
- Invest in a heavy duty blender; I’ve used a Blend Tec for well over a century now and I love it! It’s powerful enough to blend frozen fruit and vegetables smooth, smooth, smooth!
- I prefer using frozen fruits and vegetables in my smoothies so they have a thicker consistency.
- Freeze extra fruits and vegetables as they are just beginning to turn over-ripe; I use gallon plastic zip top freezer bags to toss them in.
- Freeze fresh produce to use later- I find they last just fine for up to 4 weeks. ie: spinach or mixed salad greens, baby carrots, cucumbers, banana’s broken into four pieces, sliced/cored apples and pears, extra berries, peeled/segmented oranges and clementines, grapes, and the list goes on!
- Extra nutrient add in’s are always good try adding: vanilla and chocolate protein powders, dry oats, a small handful of nuts, peanut butter, flavored yogurt or kefir, and more.

If you love our Tropical Chocolate Protein Smoothie we hope you'll love these too:
- Starbucks Strawberry Smoothie Recipe
- Banana Nut Smoothie Recipe
- Starbucks Orange Mango Smoothie Recipe
- Pineapple Mango Banana Smoothie Recipe
- Asian Pear and Pomegranate Smoothie
- Mint Raspberry Peach Smoothie
- White Peach, Cucumber, Mint Smoothie
- Strawberry, Citrus, Coconut Oat Smoothie
- Carrot, Orange, Ginger Smoothie
- Green Tea Protein Smoothie
- Chocolate Raspberry Protein Smoothie
- Starbucks Orange Mango Smoothie Recipe

Tropical Chocolate Protein Smoothie Recipe is sure to be a favorite at your house too! Enjoy :)
This soreness and followed up stretching is my influence for Fit Friday this week, I am going over some of the top stretches I have found for a sore back and tight hips.

- Supine Four Square; I like to do this one in while still laying in bed.
- Four Twist; drop that four square to the side and get a nice easy stretch through that spine
After some nice easy stretching in bed I finally roll out and get a little more stretching done before heading off to face the chaos that comes with 4 kids, 2 dogs, and 1 husband.
- Downward Dog; this was a pose I hated until I had a yoga instructor help with a couple of tweaks and suddenly I found the reason for this pose and my body actually likes it.
- Childs Pose; easy low back stretch that feels fantastic
- Fire Log Pose; a great seated stretch for both my low back and hips
- Legs Up The Wall; this was always a favorite after a long run and I have found its usefulness after a long sleep as well.
Amazingly enough, at least for me, these are all stretches that I loved after long runs. I am still debating what this says about me and my body mechanics.
Take care of yourself and your body.
We love to hear about your magical cooking moments. . . if you get a chance to make our recipes then leave us a comment or tag us on Instagram @cookingwithruthie , pin us on Pinterest , or follow along with us on Facebook so we can share in the joy of cooking with you! Please reach out if you have questions or comments via our email: We’re excited to see you again soon! One more thing before you go. . . We love creating recipes and sharing our adventures with you, so if you can do us a huge favor it’d really support us! It’s easier to stay motivated to share our best with you when we hear from you!! We adore our readers and it really makes our day to get comments, social tags/shares, or pins that you save for later to share with your family and friends! Our hearts sing when you do. . . we SEE you and we do our very best to respond to all the love! It also amps up our mo-jo so we get lots of awesome things done around here.
Thanks for sharing in the CWR blog-love!
Love Always, Nichole, Ruthie, & Madeliene
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