Fit Friday!!!
Ham and Swiss Grilled Cheese with Zesty Mayo Recipe turns a classic sandwich into grilled cheese magic! OMG. Grilled cheese sandwiches are my favorite lunch. There's just something about the extra crunch that makes them PERFECT! Today's Ham and Swiss Grilled Cheese sandwich is made with sourdough bread, two varieties of cheese, and organic sliced ham. Then we take it up a notch by zesting the mayonnaise. Seriously, it's the next best thing to heaven! :) Hip-hooray!! Fit Friday is here! We love having Miss Nichole from Pure Clean Fitness drop by on Friday’s to share her awesome fitness tips with us! If you want check out more of our Fit Friday posts then CLICK HERE!
I am still getting into the swing of everything with my own workouts and my health, so hard core workouts aren't quite on my schedule yet. But one of the great things about working out on my own, which is all I do these days, is that I listen to my body and I take breaks when needed, I use lighter weights when my body tells me to, and if I need to call it quits I do. That also means I get to do the flip side of that, when I am feeling good I push harder, when the weights seem a light side I grab some that are a bit heavier, and if I have another round in me I go for it!
Remember, we love manmakers!
We love to hear about your magical cooking moments. If you get a chance to make our recipes then leave us a comment or tag us on Instagram @cookingwithruthie, pin us on Pinterest, or follow along with us on Facebook so we can share in the joy of cooking with you! Please reach out if you have questions or comments via our email: We’re excited to see you again soon! One more thing before you go. . . We love creating recipes and sharing our adventures with you, so if you can do us a huge favor it’d really support us! It’s easier to stay motivated to share our best with you when we hear from you!! We adore our readers and it really makes our day to get comments, social tags/shares, or pins that you save for later to share with your family and friends! Our hearts sing when you do. . . we SEE you and we do our very best to respond to all the love! It also amps up our mo-jo so we get lots of awesome things done around here.
Thanks for sharing in the CWR blog-love!
Ham and Swiss Grilled Cheese with Zesty Mayo Recipe turns a classic sandwich into grilled cheese magic! OMG. Grilled cheese sandwiches are my favorite lunch. There's just something about the extra crunch that makes them PERFECT! Today's Ham and Swiss Grilled Cheese sandwich is made with sourdough bread, two varieties of cheese, and organic sliced ham. Then we take it up a notch by zesting the mayonnaise. Seriously, it's the next best thing to heaven! :) Hip-hooray!! Fit Friday is here! We love having Miss Nichole from Pure Clean Fitness drop by on Friday’s to share her awesome fitness tips with us! If you want check out more of our Fit Friday posts then CLICK HERE!

Ham and Swiss Grilled Cheese with Zesty Mayo Recipe
I like to make grilled cheese sandwiches using a high quality fat, like organic butter or olive oil, and a quick pan fry over high heat. I think if they're made right, with a small amount of good quality fat and nutritious ingredients, and without adding a huge calorie punch during the grilling... I consider it "healthier"! Sandwiches have been around for hundreds of years with the Ham and Swiss seeming to originate from in a café on the Boulevard de Capucines in Paris in 1910. The Croque-Monsieur is essentially a grilled ham and cheese sandwich. Since it’s a French grilled sandwich, its made with lean ham, Gruyere or Emmental cheese, and then it’s pan fried like grilled cheese and covered in a warm béchamel sauce. Delicieux! French for Crusty or Crispy Mister, depending on whom you ask, it's a sandwich famous for its variants, as well as its originality. With added tomato, it is the Croque-Provencal, and with mustard and topped with a fried egg, it is a Croque-Madame. Other versions substitute ingredients with delightful results, including the Croque Auvergnat, which replaces the mild cheese with a Bleu, and the Croque Norvegien, which uses salmon in place of the ham.
The History of the Sandwich; John Montagu, the Earl of Sandwich
The bread-enclosed convenience food known as the "sandwich" is attributed to John Montagu, fourth Earl of Sandwich (1718-1792), a British statesman and notorious profligate and gambler, who is said to be the inventor of this type of food so that he would not have to leave his gaming table to take supper. In fact, Montague was not the inventor of the sandwich; rather, during his excursions in the Eastern Mediterranean, he saw grilled pita breads and small canapes and sandwiches served by the Greeks and Turks during their mezes, and copied the concept for its obvious convenience. There is no doubt, however, that the Earl of Sandwich made this type of light repast popular among England's gentry, and in this way, his title has been associated with the sandwich ever since. The concept is supremely simple: delicate finger food is served between two slices of bread in a culinary practice of ancient origins among the Greeks and other Mediterranean peoples. Literary references to sandwiches begin to appear in English during the 1760s, but also under the assumption that they are a food consumed primarily by the masculine sex during late night drinking parties. The connotation does not change until the sandwich moves into general society as a supper food for late night balls and similar events toward the end of the eighteenth century...Charlotte Mason was one of the first English cookbook authors to provide a recipe for sandwiches...During the nineteenth century, as midday dinner moved later and later into the day, the need for hot supper declined, only to be replaced with light dishes made of cold leftovers, ingredients for which the sandwich proved preeminently suitable. Thus the sandwich became a fixture of intimate evening suppers, teas, and picnics, and popular fare for taverns and inns. This latter genre of sandwich has given rise to multitudes of working class creations...During the early years of the railroad, sandwiches proved an ideal form of fast food, especially since they could be sold at train stations when everyone got off to buy snacks...During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries the sandwich came into its own, especially as a response to the Temperance Movement. Taverns and saloons offered free sandwiches with drinks in order to attract customers." READ MORE ---Encyclopedia of Food and Culture, Solomon H. Katz, editor, William Woys Weaver, associate editor [Charles Scribner's Sons:New York] 2003, Volume 3 (p. 235-6)Originating in a café on the Boulevard de Capucines in Paris in 1910
Fit Friday!!

If you love our Ham and Swiss Grilled Cheese with Zesty Mayo Recipe we're sure you'll love these too:
- Avocado, Hummus, and Feta Grilled Cheese Recipe
- Black Bean Chipotle Grilled Cheese
- Cucumber Dill Hummus Grilled Cheese Recipe
- Roasted Tomato, Basil, Chevre Grilled Cheese
- Italian Turkey Avocado Grilled Cheese
- Apples and Brie Challah Grilled Cheese
- Avocado Havarti Grilled Cheese
- Caprese Grilled Cheese
- Red Pepper, Onion, Havarti Grilled Cheese
- Grilled Tuna Cheese Sandwich
- Turkey, Avocado, and Havarti Grilled Cheese
- English Preserves, Havarti, Challah Grilled Cheese
- Chocolate Banana Bread Grilled Cheese

We're quite sure our Ham and Swiss Grilled Cheese with Zesty Mayo Recipe needs to be a part of your weekend menu!
School has started, kids are skipping merrily along their way with a backpack full of completed homework and a smile on their faces. At least in my head that is how it looks. Reality may be a little different as we are trying to jam in fun, school, and activities. But the good news is that I now have a little time caved out for my own workouts.I am still getting into the swing of everything with my own workouts and my health, so hard core workouts aren't quite on my schedule yet. But one of the great things about working out on my own, which is all I do these days, is that I listen to my body and I take breaks when needed, I use lighter weights when my body tells me to, and if I need to call it quits I do. That also means I get to do the flip side of that, when I am feeling good I push harder, when the weights seem a light side I grab some that are a bit heavier, and if I have another round in me I go for it!
Remember, we love manmakers!
We love to hear about your magical cooking moments. If you get a chance to make our recipes then leave us a comment or tag us on Instagram @cookingwithruthie, pin us on Pinterest, or follow along with us on Facebook so we can share in the joy of cooking with you! Please reach out if you have questions or comments via our email: We’re excited to see you again soon! One more thing before you go. . . We love creating recipes and sharing our adventures with you, so if you can do us a huge favor it’d really support us! It’s easier to stay motivated to share our best with you when we hear from you!! We adore our readers and it really makes our day to get comments, social tags/shares, or pins that you save for later to share with your family and friends! Our hearts sing when you do. . . we SEE you and we do our very best to respond to all the love! It also amps up our mo-jo so we get lots of awesome things done around here.
Thanks for sharing in the CWR blog-love!
Happy Fit Friday-
With Peace and Love-
Ruthie, Madieline, and Nichole
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