Our Balsamic Salmon Filet Recipe is simple to make plus it's rich in flavors with a wide array of nutritional benefits! Today's oven roasted salmon filet only needs 20 minutes to prepare along with aged balsamic vinegar, olive oil, sea salt, black pepper, fresh lemon and parsley! You won't believe how flakey, moist, and mouth-watering this salmon filet recipe is. Even your non-fish-eater friends and family members will like it. :)
Happy day, it’s Fit Friday! We love hangin’ out with Miss Nichole from Pure Clean Fitness! She’s a been a part of our Friday’s for many years and we love her so much! Thank you, Nichole, for coming every week and sharing your awesome fitness knowledge with us! If you want check out more of our Fit Friday posts then CLICK HERE!

Last week I told you we would be breaking down the importance of all four components of our physical health throughout the next few weeks. All four of these are pretty basic and non-surprising, but all important. This week we start with sleep.
We all know we need it, yet it is often pushed to the wayside in favor of a favorite Netflix series, pressing matters at work, a little one's science experiment, a fun night out. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying sleep must win out all the time or that there isn't a place for any of that. What I am saying is that we can't let the rest of life consistently push sleep to the wayside, you need sleep!
How often are you getting your 7-8 hours of recommended sleep? I would say most nights I am in bed for around that long, unfortunately I have a toddler that still doesn't sleep through the night, so I am getting up most nights at least once with her. But she is getting up less and less, I have faith that her wake ups will be a thing of the past soon. And I can't wait, I know my body needs sleep. Sleep is when the body and mind repair itself. Those sleeping hours allow my body, mind, and heart to get ready for the what lies ahead.
Make it a goal to get your sleep most nights. Life is to be lived, so enjoy some nights out with your friends, take time after the kids go to bed to enjoy some time with your spouse, and take over the t.v. every once in a while, just don't make it a more-often-than-not thing.
We love to hear about your magical cooking moments. If you get a chance to make our recipes then leave us a comment or tag us on Instagram @cookingwithruthie, pin us on Pinterest, or follow along with us on Facebook so we can share in the joy of cooking with you! Please reach out if you have questions or comments via our email: ruthie@cookingwithruthie.com. We’re excited to see you again soon! One more thing before you go... We love creating recipes and sharing our adventures with you, so if you can do us a huge favor it’d really support us! It’s easier to stay motivated to share our best with you when we hear from you!! We adore our readers and it really makes our day to get comments, social tags/shares, or pins that you save for later to share with your family and friends! Our hearts sing when you do. We SEE you and we do our very best to respond to all the love! It also amps up our mo-jo so we get lots of awesome things done around here.

Healthy benefits Balsamic Salmon Filet Recipe
• Salmon- Salmon is a flavorful, fatty fish that's rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, salmon is a low-calorie protein source that's also low in saturated fat. The American Heart Association recommends eating at least two, 3.5-ounce servings of fatty fish, like salmon every week. Salmon is a good source of vitamin D, which is important for healthy bones. It's also high in B Vitamins, good source of Potassium, loaded with Selenium, and contains the Antioxidant Astaxanthin. • Balsamic Vinegar- Balsamic vinegar contains powerful antioxidant called polyphenols which fight cell damage and boost our immune system. The antioxidant in balsamic have also the potential to protect against heart disease, cancer, and other inflammatory conditions. Balsamic can help prevent anemia, fatigue, and it's been suggested that balsamic vinegar can contribute to weight loss, low cholesterol, and even a glowing complexion. • Olive Oil- Olive Oil is widely recognized as one of the world's healthiest oils. In fact, people tend to live longer and healthier lives in regions where olive oil is a staple. It is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats, contains large amounts of antioxidants, strong anti-inflammatory properties, may help prevent strokes, and is protective against heart disease. • Fresh Lemon- Lemons are an excellent source of vitamin C and flavonoids, which are antioxidants. Antioxidants help remove free radicals that can damage cells from the body. These nutrients can help prevent diseases and boost health and wellbeing are some of the possible benefits of consuming lemons. • Sea Salt- Sea Salt is mostly composed of sodium chloride, a compound that helps regulate fluid balance and blood pressure in the body. Since it's minimally processed, it contains some minerals, including potassium, iron, and calcium. • Parsley- Parsley is a versatile herb that provides a concentrated source of nutrients. It's particularly rich in vitamins A, C, and K. The vitamins and beneficial plant compounds in parsley may improve bone health, protect against chronic diseases, and provide antioxidant benefits.
Enjoy our Balsamic Salmon Filet Recipe and some of our other salmon recipes!
• Salmon Cream Cheese Lavash Wrap Recipe • Big Green Egg Salmon Recipe • Smoked Salmon, Cherry, Avocado, Feta Salad • Grilled Lime Salmon • Salmon Salad Sandwich • Herbed Salmon Fillet • Salmon Avocado Salad with Sweet Vinegar DressingMake up some Balsamic Salmon Filet Recipe to enjoy this week!
Miss Nichole with Fit Friday!!
We all know we need it, yet it is often pushed to the wayside in favor of a favorite Netflix series, pressing matters at work, a little one's science experiment, a fun night out. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying sleep must win out all the time or that there isn't a place for any of that. What I am saying is that we can't let the rest of life consistently push sleep to the wayside, you need sleep!
How often are you getting your 7-8 hours of recommended sleep? I would say most nights I am in bed for around that long, unfortunately I have a toddler that still doesn't sleep through the night, so I am getting up most nights at least once with her. But she is getting up less and less, I have faith that her wake ups will be a thing of the past soon. And I can't wait, I know my body needs sleep. Sleep is when the body and mind repair itself. Those sleeping hours allow my body, mind, and heart to get ready for the what lies ahead.
Make it a goal to get your sleep most nights. Life is to be lived, so enjoy some nights out with your friends, take time after the kids go to bed to enjoy some time with your spouse, and take over the t.v. every once in a while, just don't make it a more-often-than-not thing.
We love to hear about your magical cooking moments. If you get a chance to make our recipes then leave us a comment or tag us on Instagram @cookingwithruthie, pin us on Pinterest, or follow along with us on Facebook so we can share in the joy of cooking with you! Please reach out if you have questions or comments via our email: ruthie@cookingwithruthie.com. We’re excited to see you again soon! One more thing before you go... We love creating recipes and sharing our adventures with you, so if you can do us a huge favor it’d really support us! It’s easier to stay motivated to share our best with you when we hear from you!! We adore our readers and it really makes our day to get comments, social tags/shares, or pins that you save for later to share with your family and friends! Our hearts sing when you do. We SEE you and we do our very best to respond to all the love! It also amps up our mo-jo so we get lots of awesome things done around here.
Thanks for sharing in the CWR blog-love!
Love Always,
Nichole, Ruthie, & Madeliene
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