15 Simple & Healthy Smoothie Recipes will keep you fueled through the day! Who doesn't love a good smoothie?! Today's smoothie recipe post includes our favorite recipes along with some Smoothie 101 tips. Simple and healthy smoothies will be your favorite breakfast or snack too! There's plenty of smoothies to pick from. . . choose one or two or three AND enjoy them this weekend with your family! :)
Happy day, it’s Fit Friday! We love hangin’ out with Miss Nichole from Pure Clean Fitness! She’s a been a part of our Friday’s for many years and we love her so much! Thank you, Nichole, for coming every week and sharing your awesome fitness knowledge with us! If you want check out more of our Fit Friday posts then CLICK HERE!
Starbucks Strawberry Smoothie Recipe is one of the best kept secrets around! I love to buy them at Starbucks and it’s a fun treat once in a while AND I wanted to enjoy them more often so I came up with this copycat version… Shhhhh! (it’s our lilttle secret!) Our copycat version of Starbucks Strawberry Smoothie is packed with strawberries, banana, vanilla greek yogurt, and more! We know you’ll love it as much as we do!
Peaches and Cream Chia Smoothie of course have peaches, vanilla fat-free greek yogurt, oats, and chia seeds with splash of half and half to add just the right amount of creaminess! August is National Peach Month so naturally our Peaches and Cream Chia Smoothie have got to be made in celebration! I love peaches and all the other healthy ingredients that are in this lovely creation. I think you’ll totally love it too!!
Ooooh this smoothie is bringing me back to my high school days. Which, I can not believe that that was 7 years ago! Wow. Time is just wild! This Orange Mango Smoothie brings me back to high school because my mom, Ruthie, would always hand me a smoothie as I ran up the stairs and out the door! To be completely honest, I’ve never been good at waking up on time
This smoothie is pretty amazing, if I do say so myself. This good for you and has all kinds of healthy ingredients like almond milk, banana, almonds, greek yogurt, and finished off with a dash of cinnamon. SO good!! It almost boarders on the mouth feel of ice cream… you know how frozen bananas get that creamy, smooth consistency and all?! It works like a charm in this smoothie, it plays a little trick on your tongue with an almost-ice cream texture!
Our Rice Pudding Smoothie Recipe is a delightful and refreshing beverage for your summertime! At our house we all love rice pudding and our love of it is what inspired todays recipe. It’s a spin on the classic pudding dish because I took the same ingredients to the blender. . . rice, raisins, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, and added rice milk and ice!
Pineapple Mango Banana Smoothie Recipe is a refreshing and healthy way to stay cool this summer! We’ve packed it full of deliciously healthy ingredients like banana, mango, pineapple with coconut milk. . . you’ll feel like you’ve been whisked away to a tropical island! Memorial Day is in less than a week and y’all know what that means… summertime officially gets under way!
Carrot, Orange, Ginger Smoothie has plenty of vitamins to start your day off right. Carrots are one of the highest contributors of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is a powerhouse vitamin for soooo much of your body, especially in the American diet. Carrots also provide a lot of Vitamin C, D, E and K! Aside from the fact that oranges are delicious.. oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C as well as thiamin, folate, and potassium.
So funny story about this Green Tea Protein Smoothie… Madi and I were cooking away one Saturday and after we were done taking pictures, she wanted to try the green tea smoothie. She loved it SO much, she drank ALL of the smoothie that she possibly could. All the little cups and bottle you see in the picture below… yup… she devoured them all!
Mint Raspberry Peach Smoothie is deeeelicious!! Are there any other mint lovers around here?! I absolutely LOVE mint. It adds the perfect amount of flavor to anything!!
Starbucks Chocolate Smoothie Recipe is simple to make at home and every bit as good as the original! Remember when these old school Starbucks Smoothies were around? They were simple with just right amount of ingredients. . . banana, mocha flavor, protein, your choice of milk, and ice. It’s been awhile since you’ve seen them on the menu and if you’re like me you’re missing them!
I’m sooo excited to share this scrumptious smoothie with you all today! Asian Pear and Pomegranate Smoothie is one of my favorite smoothies. My daughter loves to drink this after she goes to the gym since it’s full of protein and tastes great!
White Peach, Cucumber, Mint Smoothie is full of health benefits for your body! Cucumbers contain multiple B vitamins which help ease feelings of anxiety and buffer the damaging effects of stress. Cucumbers also aide in healthy digestion since they contain a lot of water and fiber.
SOOooooo, the weather is beginning to get warmer around our neck of the woods and that puts me in the mood for refreshing beverages that are reminiscent of spring! The fresh berries are coming into season and the citrus season is on it’s way out so I thought it might a great time of year to bring the two together.
We’re packing this one with orange, mango (Madeliene’s favorite!), banana, greek yogurt, vanilla protein, and ice. You’ll love this creamy smooth and slightly tropical combination just as much as we do! Smoothie recipes are something we enjoy creating and sharing with you.
In hopes of working out with friends this week's Fit Friday is a workout with buddies. So grab a friend, it can even be your significant others if you are the type that workout together, and get ready to push each other along through this partner workout.
There are four groups of exercises; in each of these groups the first person counts the reps while the second just goes until person number one is done. Then they will switch and do the same movements before moving on to the next set of exercises.
We love to hear about your magical cooking moments. If you get a chance to make our recipes then leave us a comment or tag us on Instagram @cookingwithruthie, pin us on Pinterest, or follow along with us on Facebook so we can share in the joy of cooking with you! Please reach out if you have questions or comments via our email: ruthie@cookingwithruthie.com. We’re excited to see you again soon! One more thing before you go... We love creating recipes and sharing our adventures with you, so if you can do us a huge favor it’d really support us! It’s easier to stay motivated to share our best with you when we hear from you!! We adore our readers and it really makes our day to get comments, social tags/shares, or pins that you save for later to share with your family and friends! Our hearts sing when you do. We SEE you and we do our very best to respond to all the love! It also amps up our mo-jo so we get lots of awesome things done around here.

We love our 15 Simple & Healthy Smoothie Recipes and we can't wait to share them with you! Enjoy :)

Starbucks Strawberry Smoothie Recipe is one of the best kept secrets around! I love to buy them at Starbucks and it’s a fun treat once in a while AND I wanted to enjoy them more often so I came up with this copycat version… Shhhhh! (it’s our lilttle secret!) Our copycat version of Starbucks Strawberry Smoothie is packed with strawberries, banana, vanilla greek yogurt, and more! We know you’ll love it as much as we do!

Peaches and Cream Chia Smoothie of course have peaches, vanilla fat-free greek yogurt, oats, and chia seeds with splash of half and half to add just the right amount of creaminess! August is National Peach Month so naturally our Peaches and Cream Chia Smoothie have got to be made in celebration! I love peaches and all the other healthy ingredients that are in this lovely creation. I think you’ll totally love it too!!

Ooooh this smoothie is bringing me back to my high school days. Which, I can not believe that that was 7 years ago! Wow. Time is just wild! This Orange Mango Smoothie brings me back to high school because my mom, Ruthie, would always hand me a smoothie as I ran up the stairs and out the door! To be completely honest, I’ve never been good at waking up on time

This smoothie is pretty amazing, if I do say so myself. This good for you and has all kinds of healthy ingredients like almond milk, banana, almonds, greek yogurt, and finished off with a dash of cinnamon. SO good!! It almost boarders on the mouth feel of ice cream… you know how frozen bananas get that creamy, smooth consistency and all?! It works like a charm in this smoothie, it plays a little trick on your tongue with an almost-ice cream texture!
What's the difference between a smoothie and a shake?
Most people love smoothies and shakes, some don't really know the differences between them because after all the both cold and refreshing, drinkable, and delicious! • In my opinion it all comes down to ice cream. . . yes, it's true! • Smoothies do not have ice cream, candy bars, cookies or pies in them. • Smoothies are filled with healthy for you ingredients like fruit and veggies and healthier forms of protein and dairy. Don't get me wrong. . . I enjoy them both as probably most of you do too! I just enjoy smoothies on a more regular basis and shakes wellllll they're a more special occasion or dessert kind of treat.
Our Rice Pudding Smoothie Recipe is a delightful and refreshing beverage for your summertime! At our house we all love rice pudding and our love of it is what inspired todays recipe. It’s a spin on the classic pudding dish because I took the same ingredients to the blender. . . rice, raisins, cinnamon, nutmeg, vanilla, and added rice milk and ice!

Pineapple Mango Banana Smoothie Recipe is a refreshing and healthy way to stay cool this summer! We’ve packed it full of deliciously healthy ingredients like banana, mango, pineapple with coconut milk. . . you’ll feel like you’ve been whisked away to a tropical island! Memorial Day is in less than a week and y’all know what that means… summertime officially gets under way!

Carrot, Orange, Ginger Smoothie has plenty of vitamins to start your day off right. Carrots are one of the highest contributors of Vitamin A. Vitamin A is a powerhouse vitamin for soooo much of your body, especially in the American diet. Carrots also provide a lot of Vitamin C, D, E and K! Aside from the fact that oranges are delicious.. oranges are an excellent source of vitamin C as well as thiamin, folate, and potassium.

So funny story about this Green Tea Protein Smoothie… Madi and I were cooking away one Saturday and after we were done taking pictures, she wanted to try the green tea smoothie. She loved it SO much, she drank ALL of the smoothie that she possibly could. All the little cups and bottle you see in the picture below… yup… she devoured them all!
15 Simple & Healthy Smoothie Recipes. . . Smoothie 101
- Invest in a heavy duty blender; I’ve used a Blend Tec for well over a century now and I love it! It’s powerful enough to blend frozen fruit and vegetables smooth, smooth, smooth!
- I prefer using frozen fruits and vegetables in my smoothies so they have a thicker consistency.
- Freeze extra fruits and vegetables as they are just beginning to turn over-ripe; I use gallon plastic zip top freezer bags to toss them in.
- Freeze fresh produce to use later- I find they last just fine for up to 4 weeks. ie: spinach or mixed salad greens, baby carrots, cucumbers, banana’s broken into four pieces, sliced/cored apples and pears, extra berries, peeled/segmented oranges and clementines, grapes, and the list goes on!
- Extra nutrient add in’s are always good try adding: vanilla and chocolate protein powders, dry oats, a small handful of nuts, peanut butter, flavored yogurt or kefir, and more.

Mint Raspberry Peach Smoothie is deeeelicious!! Are there any other mint lovers around here?! I absolutely LOVE mint. It adds the perfect amount of flavor to anything!!

Chocolate Raspberry Protein Smoothie has a few of my favorite things! Raspberries, chocolate protein, and chia seeds!! In our house, we love to add chia seeds to just about any beverage– it’s especially good in flavored water and smoothies! Chia seeds are an excellent source of Omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fiber! We LOVE chia seeds!!! We hope to spread that love to all of you and your families as well.

Starbucks Chocolate Smoothie Recipe is simple to make at home and every bit as good as the original! Remember when these old school Starbucks Smoothies were around? They were simple with just right amount of ingredients. . . banana, mocha flavor, protein, your choice of milk, and ice. It’s been awhile since you’ve seen them on the menu and if you’re like me you’re missing them!

I’m sooo excited to share this scrumptious smoothie with you all today! Asian Pear and Pomegranate Smoothie is one of my favorite smoothies. My daughter loves to drink this after she goes to the gym since it’s full of protein and tastes great!
Miss Nichole's Fit Friday & 15 Simple & Healthy Smoothie Recipes

White Peach, Cucumber, Mint Smoothie is full of health benefits for your body! Cucumbers contain multiple B vitamins which help ease feelings of anxiety and buffer the damaging effects of stress. Cucumbers also aide in healthy digestion since they contain a lot of water and fiber.

SOOooooo, the weather is beginning to get warmer around our neck of the woods and that puts me in the mood for refreshing beverages that are reminiscent of spring! The fresh berries are coming into season and the citrus season is on it’s way out so I thought it might a great time of year to bring the two together.

Fuel the day with some of our 15 Simple & Healthy Smoothie Recipes!
I have been living a crazy and chaotic life, I say this often so I am sure most of you know this about me by now. One of the most frustrating things about how busy life has been and the lack of day care at the gym is that I rarely get to workout with friends. One day I will have older kids, my husband and I won't have to take turns with the early mornings, and I will be able to get up and go workout with some of my favorite people. Until then I sneak in workouts whenever I can with friends and talk to myself the rest of the time.In hopes of working out with friends this week's Fit Friday is a workout with buddies. So grab a friend, it can even be your significant others if you are the type that workout together, and get ready to push each other along through this partner workout.
There are four groups of exercises; in each of these groups the first person counts the reps while the second just goes until person number one is done. Then they will switch and do the same movements before moving on to the next set of exercises.
We love to hear about your magical cooking moments. If you get a chance to make our recipes then leave us a comment or tag us on Instagram @cookingwithruthie, pin us on Pinterest, or follow along with us on Facebook so we can share in the joy of cooking with you! Please reach out if you have questions or comments via our email: ruthie@cookingwithruthie.com. We’re excited to see you again soon! One more thing before you go... We love creating recipes and sharing our adventures with you, so if you can do us a huge favor it’d really support us! It’s easier to stay motivated to share our best with you when we hear from you!! We adore our readers and it really makes our day to get comments, social tags/shares, or pins that you save for later to share with your family and friends! Our hearts sing when you do. We SEE you and we do our very best to respond to all the love! It also amps up our mo-jo so we get lots of awesome things done around here.
Thanks for sharing in the CWR blog-love!
Love Always, Ruthie & Madeliene
with Nichole and Fit Friday
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