Why we love Country French Omelette Recipe
Country French Omelette is the perfect breakfast of brunch during the holidays- it's delicious, quick and easy to make plus, it's a great way to start off the day and keep those bellies full for at least a few hours. We love a good omelette! Sometimes it's just takes too much time/energy to make each omelette individually, so that's when this Country French Omelette really comes in handy! It starts out in a skillet on the stove top and gets popped into the oven to finish then everyone can sit down to enjoy breakfast together! Remember to grab a fresh of loaf of bread it goes along perfectly with a smear of butter or chevre goat cheese.
How to make Country French Omelette Recipe
- Preheat oven 350 degrees F.
- In a 10 inch oven proof skillet, over medium high, cook bacon 4-5 minutes or until nicely browned.
- Remove from pan; set aside.
- Remove excess grease from pan, add olive oil, potatoes, and shallot.
- Reduce to medium low and cook 7-8 minutes until tender and edges are crisp; stirring occasionally.
- Mean while; in a small bowl whisk eggs, milk, salt and pepper.
- Add bacon back into skillet and stir to combine.
- Evenly pour egg mixture over skillet and place into oven to bake approximately 8 minutes or until eggs are set.
- Slice and serve with chives and chevre goat cheese.
- Enjoy your Country French Omelette Recipe!
More Breakfast Recipes
Make a Country French Omelette Recipe for your family this weekend!
I don't know about your house, but spring break is sneaking up on me quick! The kids are antsy for freedom and bike rides, swimming, and general fun in the sun. I will be honest, I am sitting on the fence on my excitement level for no school. I am a woman that loves a schedule and some structure, and I love it even more when someone else is setting it and I am just enforcing it with the kiddos. It just seems to go so much better when it isn't actually coming from mom, is that just me?
While I am sitting on the fence about no school I am over the moon excited for some fun in the sun. I am ready to hit the trails regularly, to head to the lake, and to just be out running and sunning with the family. And while I know the kids will run me ragged I also know that I can keep up with them....as long as I want to, that is. Staying active year round definitely has its advantages.
Today we are summer training with a HIIT workout that will get my stop and go muscles ready to fire with my stop and go kids.
You will need dumbbells and a jump rope for today's workout. If you don't have a jump rope go with high knees instead.
One more thing before you go... We love creating recipes and sharing our adventures with you, so if you can do us a huge favor it’d really support us! It’s easier to stay motivated to share our best with you when we hear from you! We adore our readers and it really makes our day to get comments, social tags/shares, or pins that you save for later to share with your family and friends. Our hearts sing when you do. We SEE you and we do our very best to respond to all the love! It also amps up our mo-jo so we get lots of awesome things done around here. Please reach out if you have questions or comments via our email: ruthie@cookingwithruthie.com. We’re excited to see you again soon!
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Love Always, Ruthie & Madeliene and Nichole
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