Today's Charred Zucchini Kale Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe is a robust combination of flavors! You'll love our zucchini kale salad it has charred zucchini, toasted pine nuts, and chevre cheese on a bed of kale. Then we add a Lemon Vinaigrette and hold on tight cuz here's the best part... it's sweetened with Truvía® Nectar which means all the sweetness with less calories! :)
Fit Friday never gets old!! Fit tips + healthy recipes = greatness. Thanks to Nichole from Pure Clean Coaching.
Why we love Charred Zucchini Kale Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe
If you haven't tried charred as a way to enhance you're grilling experience-- give it a try! Simple take the edges of whatever you're grilling beyond the well done point to give them a little char. It's great trick to add some smokey flavor to your grilled foods! We're still hitting some pretty high temps in these days but the evenings are starting to cool off, which is lovely, actually! I was out hiking in the mountains last weekend and the leaves are beginning to turn up there... time seems to fly by so fast these days.
How to make Charred Zucchini Kale Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe
- Coat grill with cooking spray, heat to high heat.
- Cut zucchini into 1/4 inch slices- lengthwise, brush with olive oil and sprinkle both sides with sea salt and pepper.
- Place on zucchini on hot grill and cook 3-4 minutes until very dark with bits of charring.
- Turn over and repeat, remove from grill.
- Divide kale among 4 serving plates.
- Add 3-4 slices charred zucchini to each salad, sprinkle with pine nuts, and dabs of cheve cheese.
- Serve with Lemon Vinaigrette.
- Enjoy!
- Lemon Vinaigrette:
- Whisk olive oil and lemon juice until frothy, add Truvía® Nectar, lemon zest, and sea salt; whisk.
- Serve with prepared salads.
- Enjoy Charred Zucchini Kale Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe!
What is Truvia Nectar
It’s a delightful blend of stevia leaf extract and honey, Truvía® Nectar has 50% fewer calories per serving than sugar and adds a touch of sweetness wherever you would use agave, sugar or honey. Because Truvía® Nectar is twice as sweet as honey, you only need to use half as much.
More Truvia Recipes
- Truvía® Nectar Strawberry Yogurt Parfait
- Truvia Sunrise Smoothie
- Truvia® brand Raspberry Bars
- Truvia Lime Spritzer
- Truvia® Browned Butter Oatmeal Raisin Cookies
- Pineapple Coconut Overnight Oats,
- Truvia® Cran-Apple Cobbler
Charred Zucchini Kale Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette is an amazing flavor combination that you're really enjoy!
Fit Friday with Nichole
We live in a world of diets and diet culture. Scrolling through my social media I see intuitive eaters reminding us all we can have our cake and eat it too. But the very next feed is a bunch of mom's talking about foods that are easier to macro track and different substitutes to keep your sugars low. As a mom, runner, woman, even simply a human I see it and I cannot escape it. The diet culture is getting sneakier at times and finding it's way into our lives even with those that proudly say "I don't believe in diets." Instead these same individuals are making lifestyle changes, but if those changes come with external rules and guidance for what you are eating it is still a diet.
Diet mentality steals your joy by saying you should delay your dreams until you have lost weight. Diet mentality erodes body trust and replaces it with external rules. It disconnects you from your own body sensations, making you feel powerless and like you can not be trusted to make decisions about how to feed yourself. - Jennifer McGurk
In a time where we are striving to include all why is there still so much pressure put on looks and body?
I listen to teen girls around me talking about getting angry with guys on social media because of comments they make about girls' bodies, these girls don't hesitate to put them in their place. Yet they also ask if rib reduction surgery is a thing (yes, it broke my heart). Mixed messages every where!
Many of you know that I don't believe in diets. I refuse to participate in challenges that require me to say "no" to certain foods. But I am still aware of what I put in my mouth and try to make sure I am balancing everything out. I have learned to go more and more by how I feel and less by what the numbers say.
This week I am not here with a workout, instead I am coming at your with 5 ways to get past the world of diets.
1. . That may mean buying a pair of jeans, going to the pool, or taking those boudoir pictures. There is no perfect size to do any of it. You certainly would never tell a friend to wait until the scale said some magical number. Get out and live life.
2. Think through all of your favorite foods, not the ones you allow yourself to eat but your actual favorite foods. Fit in at least one of those favorites some time in the next week. You may need to remind yourself that there is no such thing as "bad food" and just strive to enjoy every bite.
3. Get rid of your scale. Your worth is not based on any number that is going to show up on that scale.
4. Clean up your social media. Quit following all of those fake "healthy" accounts that give all sorts of diet tips or crazy workouts.
5. Decide who you are and what makes you happy. Make a list of all the attributes that make you special, that make you YOU. None of them should have anything to do with your weight or your appearance.
There is a whole wide world out there that has nothing to do with diets. Find it. Live it. Love it.
One more thing before you go... We love creating recipes and sharing our adventures with you, so if you can do us a huge favor it’d really support us! It’s easier to stay motivated to share our best with you when we hear from you! We adore our readers and it really makes our day to get comments, social tags/shares, or pins that you save for later to share with your family and friends. Our hearts sing when you do. We SEE you and we do our very best to respond to all the love! It also amps up our mo-jo so we get lots of awesome things done around here. Please reach out if you have questions or comments via our email: We’re excited to see you again soon!
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Thanks for sharing in the CWR blog-love!
Love Always, Ruthie & Madeliene
and Nichole
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